Around the time Ethan was born my mom had brought home a small branch from a white fig tree. It was maybe twelve inches long and had only one leaf on it. She had done an exam on someone that had various fruit trees and he had given her some of the fruits from them. The white figs she brought home were spectacular, unlike any other fig I had ever tried. They were lightly sweet and almost aromatic in flavor.
When I saw the small branch I kind of laughed to myself. Surely this minuscule branch would die within weeks. Well, the branch didn't die and quite to my surprise it actually began to grow. About a month ago what was a twig in a pot with one leaf grew more leaves and another branch. Before I knew it a baby fig had grown on one of the branches!
What was once a twig (that I thought for sure would perish) had over the course of time not only grown but was able to produce fruit. As I sat on the patio this morning and stared at the tree I could not help but think of Ethan.
When Ethan was diagnosed in utero I was told he would have no quality of life and that the future for him would end up pretty grim. I now have a bright eyed, brilliant miracle baby that has surpassed all expectations thus far. Just like the tree that was planted around the time he was born.
I am hopeful that with continued love and care that not only will his heart have continued growth but that he will be "fruitful" and flourish and grow to be a strong young man.
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